【英語学習者向け 英文法10分聞き流しでマスター 】「動詞 to 動詞」Bizmates Grammar 36

動詞 to 動詞 の構文に自信がない方のための苦手克服動画です。
動詞 to 動詞 が使われる 73の文章が音声付きで流れてきます。

(Bizmates Program Level 1 Rank A Lesson 11 で学ぶ内容と連動したインプット用動画コンテンツです)

▼ この動画の見方 ▼



① 文章の音声を聞いて、
② 音声と同じ発音と発話スピードで言えるようになるまで声に出して(小声でもOK)リピート!
③ 全てつっかえずに一息で言えるようになるまで1日1回のペースで続ける



▼ この文法強化動画 Grammar 36 シリーズのプレイリストはこちら!

▼ 社会人が日本にいながら英語を確実に身につける方法が知りたい方はこちらの動画シリーズをご覧ください。

ビジネス特化型オンライン英会話 Bizmates

Ken likes to exercise.
Why do they want to cancel?
We try to dispatch parcels within a day.
I want to sleep in tomorrow.
I'm trying to learn how to use Excel.
She wants to leave the company.
I can't seem to find the document.
We need to call the client.
I tend to forget names easily.
I want to visit the Maldives.
I hope to learn a lot in this company.
I hope we get a bonus this year.
My boss asked us to work this weekend.
He's trying to close a big deal.
I need to ride the bus to work.
We agreed to merge with company A.
I need to get to the office early.
I need to submit a proposal soon.
I need to train the new hires.
He wants to go sightseeing this weekend.
He doesn't want to come.
I often forget to turn my computer off.
I try to take a lesson every day.
It helps to get things done quickly.
He plans to visit his brother.
He's trying to book a meeting room.
I want to get the budget approved.
He needs to test the new program.
We need to look for bugs.
Ken wants to take a day off tomorrow.
We're trying to make the deadline.
I like to do volunteer work.
I'm trying to reach my target.
I'd hate to miss the deadline.
I would like to join the team.
I don't want to do it.
You need to see a doctor.
We can't seem to agree on anything.
Do you want to present later?
You need to sign this.
I want to complete all my tasks.
You don't need to finish it today.
I forgot to tell you something.
We want to keep everything under control.
Do we need to attend the party?
We need to wait for Nick.
We're trying to come up with a solution.
I'm trying to call him.
I want to stay home this weekend.
I don't want to rush.
We'd like to improve the system.
I need to communicate the changes.
I like to have a cup of coffee in the morning.
I really want to get this job.
I need to make a presentation.
We can't afford to lose this account.
Ken is trying to persuade the clients.
What time do you need to go?
I'd love to catch up with my friends.
We're trying to enter a new market.
Do you want to work from home tomorrow?
I want to live closer to work.
I plan to move to Osaka.
Why do you like to jog?
He doesn't need to do that.
We want to make some changes.
Don't forget to lock the door.
She wants to have lunch nearby.
Where do you want to have the meeting?
I need to work overtime.
He needs to think about his employees more.
We would like to have an online meeting.
I'd like to take English lessons.


