【英語学習者向け 英文法10分聞き流しでマスター 】「頻度・回数を表す副詞」Bizmates Grammar 36

頻度や回数を表すための副詞 の構文に自信がない方のための苦手克服動画です。
頻度や回数を表す副詞が使われる 73の文章が音声付きで流れてきます。

(Bizmates Program Level 1 Rank A Lesson 13 で学ぶ内容と連動したインプット用動画コンテンツです)

▼ この動画の見方 ▼



① 文章の音声を聞いて、
② 音声と同じ発音と発話スピードで言えるようになるまで声に出して(小声でもOK)リピート!
③ 全てつっかえずに一息で言えるようになるまで1日1回のペースで続ける



▼ この文法強化動画 Grammar 36 シリーズのプレイリストはこちら!

▼ 社会人が日本にいながら英語を確実に身につける方法が知りたい方はこちらの動画シリーズをご覧ください。

ビジネス特化型オンライン英会話 Bizmates

I usually have lunch with my colleagues.
I visit my parents twice a year.
I never have breakfast.
I go to the theater twice a month.
We give status updates every week.
I rarely go to trade shows.
I always double check.
I go on business trips twice a year.
We check progress every week.
We have a company-wide event annually.
I always go out for drinks on Fridays.
They post a new video every week.
I dine out occasionally.
I forget to do the dishes all the time.
She rarely drinks coffee.
We go grocery shopping once a week.
I sometimes eat out for lunch.
We have video conferences frequently.
Do you sometimes give speeches?
He sometimes commutes by train.
Do you often work overtime?
I always go for a jog in the morning.
He learns English twice a week.
How often do you shop online?
How often do we get complaints?
You get things done all the time.
She usually comes on time.
We have a team meeting once a week.
I always get up early.
We have new hires every month.
How often do we hold seminars?
Do you often meet with Marketing?
We have a get-together once a year.
We launch a new product twice a year.
How often do we conduct surveys?
We often go to the beach.
I never skip meals.
I rarely get 8 hours of sleep.
We have arguments all the time.
We get evaluated every quarter.
How often do you take time off?
I try to exercise every day.
We occasionally renew our website.
We work at home once a week.
I have an English lesson every night.
How often do you write reports?
They hold events frequently.
It often rains this time of year.
Should we have a meeting every month?
Do you often attend trade shows?
I try to read every morning.
John gets a haircut every month.
How often do they have workshops?
I usually drive to work.
We almost never hang out with each other.
Paula visits her client every 2 months.
Do we have a party every year?
He thinks about work all the time.
Our boss occasionally treats us to lunch.
Are there many tourists here all the time?
Our service often gets positive feedback.
John negotiates well all the time.
Ken is always responsive.
I rarely receive spam emails.
Jake is always open to ideas.
Do you often go on business trips?
We often have brainstorming sessions.
I always have trouble remembering names.
I work out once or twice a week.
There's always a last minute change.
It doesn't usually take this long.
Dan usually leaves work at 7.
We never give up.


