【英語学習者向け 英文法10分聞き流しでマスター 】「冠詞 a, the, ~s」Bizmates Grammar 36

a, the, ~s といった冠詞に自信がない方のための苦手克服動画です。

(Bizmates Program Level 1 Rank A Lesson 6 で学ぶ内容と連動したインプット用動画コンテンツです)

▼ この動画の見方 ▼



① 文章の音声を聞いて、
② 音声と同じ発音と発話スピードで言えるようになるまで声に出して(小声でもOK)リピート!
③ 全てつっかえずに一息で言えるようになるまで1日1回のペースで続ける


We have a new service.
The client seems satisfied.
Drive Tech has offices abroad.
They provide consultation services.
Is the product popular?
Our company makes medical tools.
The office has a nice view.
I have an idea.
I don't have the file.
The deadline is pretty tight.
Is the item expensive?
I like public speaking.
He has an English book.
It's an international bestseller.
I know a good Mexican restaurant.
Paula likes e-books.
The website looks great.
The sales target is high.
I have a project for you.
I think she has the data.
Is the book store nearby?
I like the idea.
She has a new PC.
We sell used books.
We have a new trainee.
We have a new coffee maker.
Is the item on sale?
We're looking for a marketer.
Sasha has a nice red car.
We hold campaigns in February.
Do you have a business card?
The shop sells pet food.
I have an online shop.
The manager is on leave.
I know a game developer.
I want a new project.
She is a popular speaker.
The product is in demand.
The store doesn't sell stationeries.
The annual fee is not expensive.
Sam likes graphs and charts.
The president wants a bigger office.
Does the shop sell souvenirs too?
We need a marketing team.
He works for an advertising company.
I don't really like long meetings.
When do we usually have health checks?
I have a new client.
Mary is good at managing teams.
Tom doesn't like giving presentations.
He likes listening to podcasts.
The blog is very useful.
The Australia branch is located in Sydney.
Let's watch the news.
I borrowed an old book.
The HR manager is in a meeting.
We are holding a sports event.
Is there a problem?
It's not a big problem.
He's one of the executives.
I have weekly meetings with my boss.
She has a copy of the report.
The product is not easy to use.
I'm making a proposal later today.
She provides counselling services.
Steve always comes to meetings on time.
The article is inspiring.
Do you attend tradeshows?
Is the progress report ready?
The project is on schedule.
Jessy has a good track record.
I work with a global team.
The company is growing.


