【英語学習者向け 英文法10分聞き流しでマスター 】「命令文 Please」Bizmates Grammar 36

命令文 Please の構文に自信がない方のための苦手克服動画です。
“Please” が使われる73の文章が音声付きで流れてきます。

(Bizmates Program Level 1 Rank A Lesson 8 で学ぶ内容と連動したインプット用動画コンテンツです)

▼ この動画の見方 ▼



① 文章の音声を聞いて、
② 音声と同じ発音と発話スピードで言えるようになるまで声に出して(小声でもOK)リピート!
③ 全てつっかえずに一息で言えるようになるまで1日1回のペースで続ける


Please come in.
Please don't be late.
Please sign here.
Can you please translate this?
Please close the door.
Please keep quiet.
Could you please hand me the phone?
Please scan this document.
Could you please pass me that pen?
Can you please check my presentation?
Please set up the meeting room.
Could you please read the manual?
Please speak more slowly.
Please turn up the AC.
Could you please check your schedule?
Please be careful.
Could you please think about it?
Can we please slow down?
Please come early tomorrow.
Could we please start at 6:00?
Please call a cab.
Can you please make an appointment?
Please read through this later.
Could you please check the inventory?
Please order Thai for lunch.
Please submit your evaluation.
Please keep it down.
Could you please visit them tomorrow?
Can you please wait for me?
Please correct the error.
Please keep in touch.
Can you please send them an email?
Could you please give me an extension?
Please hold.
Can you please inform Tom?
Please let me know.
Please don't keep the water running.
Please hold the elevator.
Can you please not be late?
Please submit it tomorrow.
Could you please assist our guest?
Could you please make a reservation?
Please wait here.
Please keep your eyes on the road.
Can you please draft an e-mail?
Can you please get ready?
Please send out the invitations.
Could you please get me some tea?
Please attend the meeting.
Please don't make a fuss about it.
Please don't forget to log out.
Please make sure everything's OK.
Could you please add this to the list?
Could you please print this out?
Can you please remove the bug?
Can you please send us a sample?
Could you please check with Accounting?
Please get in line.
Could you please tell everyone?
Please use this PC.
Could you please give me an update?
Please gather everyone in the lobby.
Can you please take minutes for us?
Can you please try this app?
Please keep me posted.
Could you please keep the volume down?
Please be sure to clock out.
Could you please give me some advice?
Please see me tomorrow.
Please hang in there.
Could you please fix the printer?
Please feel free to leave early.
Please go ahead.


